There's this massive hype for Asian mascaras because apparently they bewitch those stubborn eyelashes that only grow straight down and it seems that down, is the only way they want go. They also claim to make the lashes curl and flutter like little fairies but do they know how to fulfill my greatest lash desires?
As I went into the shop I was overwhelmed with an array of different mascaras all claiming to do wondrous things to your lashes. So I called my Auntie who works at Sasa in HK and she recommended this therefore in my shopping basket it goes. Who am I to question a person who works in beauty?
The packaging of this product was so cute. Despite not being able to read anything on the package, I can say the animation of the girl with her luscious lashes was my eyelash role model. In terms of the mascara tube it was a basic black sleek tube with the name printed in swirly silver writing. The tube was surprisingly small when compared with my other mascaras tubes from brands like Maxfactor and Maybelline. This means that you can just pop it into your bag without taking too much space.
It's been a while since I've used one of these wands. Over the past year I see myself gravitating towards the plastic wands because I like how they coat every single one of my lashes. I was a bit skeptical about this wand. I mean, look how ordinary it is. I was proved wrong and I have been converted back to using these types of wands. It creates a natural look and it doesn't look tacky no matter how many times I have applied this.
One of the cons of this mascara is that it takes ages to remove. Normally I just use makeup wipes and a little of The Body Shop Camomile Gentle Eye makeup Remover to remove any lingering bits. However with this mascara, I had to use my Lancome Bi-Facil Makeup Remover which is seriously a heavy duty makeup remover. It definitely lives up to it's name of being super waterproof.
Overall I really like this mascara since it does wonders to my lashes however I wouldn't be using it on a daily basis because I have very little patience whilst removing makeup so the quicker the better.
Have you ever tried Super Waterproof Mascara?